Welcome to my website Visual Expressions.  I am a Canadian, born and raised in Montreal, Quebec.  As a child, one of my favorite hobbies was drawing and coloring.  As I got older, my interest in the arts went into hibernation as my priorities shifted and became more focused on academics.  However, this past year (2008) my interest in the arts was rekindled.  I was hospitalized for depression and insomnia for several months.  When I was discharged, I attended an outpatient rehabilitation program, which incorporates arts and crafts as a form of therapy.  The therapist noticed my talent for painting and suggested I should join an art program offered by the hospital.  I agreed to join and this decision changed the course of my life.  I never thought I had the ability to produce the art work posted on my website.  In the process of nurturing my talent, I learned not to limit my potential as an artist and applying the same belief in other categories of my life.  Also, the limits we set for ourselves act as a barrier to maximize our potential for growth and learning in our physical, mental, and spiritual life.  Personal limits usually start off as thoughts we decide to put in our minds, either from ourselves or others.  By changing these limiting thoughts, we open the door to new ideas and possibilities for ourselves.

     Painting and drawing is what I consider to be for myself "hobby work".  One of my goals is to market and sell my work.  This possibility became an endeavor when some of my close friends began asking me to paint pictures for them.  My passion to paint and draw is fueled by the creative spirit with in.   


Sonia Teoli


     I have developed another website Vision and Diligence, which contains a range of different discussions drawn from my life experiences, material I have read, and other references.  It focuses on related topics like goal setting, which are meant to inspire positive and meaningful change and direction in people's lives.  The link is below:



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